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Telephone: +7 (495) 644-42-36, +7 (908) 027-37-18

Address: Yaroslavl Region, Pereslavski District, Veskovsky Rural Okrug, 41th km of the highway “Nagorye-Berendeevo”, apartment 1
GPS coordinates:   N56° 44.220'   E38° 43.705' 


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Схема проезда

Exit from Moscow along Yaroslavl Avenue. Then go (according to direction signs to Yaroslavl and Pereslavl-Zaleski) up to the traffic police post on the 136th kilometer.

After passing the post you continue the movement straight (at the fork to the left) according to the direction sign to Pereslavl-Zaleski.

Go more 3.6 kilometers up to the turn to the left (to Botik and Nagorye and Popov Lug).

Turn to the left, after that go more 6.5 kilometers up to the farming enterprise “Popov Lug (Popov Meadow)” (it will be on the right). The restaurant is well-seen from the road.

We are waiting for you!